Hi there, I'm Sam.

And I Believe The Life You've Always Longed For But Thought You Had To "Die And Go To Heaven" For, Is Available Now.

Here's Why...

In Fall 2021 I plunged headfirst into an experiment testing this hypothesis:

"Normal people can learn to remain in prayer every minute of every day… and attempting to seek this goal of 'every minute prayer' will immerse you in the greatest life a human can possibly live"

Here is what happened when I tested that hypothesis...

My Search For Continuous Prayer

In short, I spent a year and a half searching for ways to remain in prayer while I was working. While I was doing chores. While I was talking to friends. And during every minute of every day.

I wanted to see

  1. if it was possible to teach myself to pray in all situations, and
  2. what my life would be like if I literally entered a state of “praying without ceasing” to borrow Paul’s phrase from 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Every day, Monday through Friday, I wrote a letter about what I was learning in my prayer experiment... and I emailed those letters to a list of subscribers, so that others could follow my journey and search with me for nonstop prayer.  

I called those letters the “PrayMore Letters”.

And the people who read them started sending me messages and emails like these ones:

I Like Compliments. They Make Me Feel Good. But I Need To Clarify...

... it was not me - and my "skillz" as an author that caused my readers' lives to change.

Their lives changed and continue to change because my hypothesis was right: the more you pray, the better life gets.

These people read my stories.

Stories which pulled them into prayer.

Prayer then showed them that... 

... the life you and I have always wanted... a life of boundless meaning, power, joy in the midst of pain, peace in the midst of chaos, and a deep sense of God being with you in everything you do... is unlocked with the "key" of constant prayer

Which Leads Me To The Point Of This Story:

My experiment never ended.

I am still learning to hold God consciously before me in everything I do, and talk with Him every minute of every day.

I still write every Monday-Friday about this journey.

And from what my readers tell me... these letters still help people who thirst for more spiritual depth to inch closer to what they have been longing for all their life. 

So if you want to join me and a rag-tag band of "everyday mystics" in our search for a life where every fiber of our being and every second of our day is brought into a neverending conversation with God...

... then I invite you to sign up for the PrayMore Letters:

Sign up for my free, weekly newsletter about my search for continuous prayer
Sign up for my paid, daily newsletter about my search for continuous prayer

The life waiting for you down this path of constant prayer is more wonderful than words can say.

It is everything you've ever wanted, and more.

But don’t take my word for it.

See for yourself.

Towards Him,
-Sam Hayashida