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 What you're getting:   

  • A subscription to my Mon-Fri PrayMore emails (14 day trial = $9 value)

  • How to Pray Without Ceasing in 1 Page - a one-page summary of 8 steps I teach for stepping into continual prayer ($5 value) 

  • How to Hear God - a guide that teaches you how to better discern the voice of God in your life ($19 value)

  • How to pray without ceasing - A Manual - this is my introduction to praying without ceasing. It explains how to seek more prayer "in the Spirit" rather than in the flesh... in a way that makes success in praying more nearly inevitable ($19 value)

  • The Praying Army - this collection of emails sets forth a theory (which I am currently testing with a group of PrayMore subscribers) about how Christians around the world might coordinate their prayers to change the course of history ($10 value) 

    Total Value: $62

What people are saying about these letters...

"Sam, God truly sent you with these letters into my life at this precious moment. You & what you are doing is definitely God Touched"   ~Sandy L. 

This has changed my life. I love getting your emails, your ideas, stories, thoughts, suggestions, wisdom, knowledge, prayer ideas, etc. etc…. the list goes on! I excitedly wait every morning for your emails and I have been putting into practice everything you have offered and WOW!!!! What a difference!! I am growing closer and closer to God everyday and feeling His presence with me more and more.”  ~M.G.

“So grateful for all your emails that have inspired me more than you will ever know.” ~Sylvia. L.

Sam, I just wanted to thank you for helping me in my prayer life. I'm so glad that God brought you and your ministry into my life. You have a unique ministry. I sense that your ministry will be blown out of the water.” ~C.B.