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$1 "How to Pray Without Ceasing" Trial

If you can spare 2-3 minutes a day, I can help you pray more. Here's how: 

I write persuasive messages for a living. Business owners pay me $150/hr+ for my time. Why? Because with my words, I am able to move people to SUBSCRIBE - to BUY - to ACT (I am what they call a "marketing copywriter")

And recently I got to thinking... it's about time I used this knowledge to help people ACT in truly life-changing ways. And when I thought about WHAT life-changing decision I want to help people make... "praying more" topped the list. Because I believe there is no decision that will improve your life more than the decision to pray more. 

So if you pay $1... for 14 days I will help you pray more easily, and frequently. By showing up in your inbox every week day to:

  • Light a fire in your heart for prayer... by giving you a VISION of what a prayerful life can be like
  • Reinforce your belief in the power of prayer... by telling you stories from my life and the lives of others
  • Teach you how to sustain your motivation... by using "desire-building" tricks I learned from running an advertising business

If you don't find PrayMore helpful, no worries, you can easily cancel your subscription at any time (it takes a total of 5 clicks once you're logged in). If you DO find it full of power and help - as I suspect you will - you can remain a member for $19/mo.

$1 to lose. A deeper prayer life to gain.